The Acoustic Asylum

If learning guitar leaves you feeling mad, frustrated, or like you want to tear your hair out, this podcast is for you. Dan Thorpe specialises in teaching beginner guitar lessons to older adults. If you want to discover Dan’s methods for the best way to learn guitar, to play easy guitar songs while having more fun, and to do so without feeling like you have a one-way ticket to the Acoustic Asylum, then listen closely and... Join us as Dan shares the best tips, tricks, and motivating stories from his 10,000+ hours of teaching beginner guitar songs and techniques... All of which will help you on your guitar-playing journey immediately. Get two free and exclusive eBooks and more unique lessons from

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Tuesday May 07, 2024

Let’s talk about chord progressions.
…And specifically, two super popular chord progressions that I love and that get used in a tonne of songs!
When I started off learning guitar, I never used to think about chord progressions.
That was a huge mistake because learning just a few chord progressions could have saved me a tonne of time… It would have given me a better understanding of how music works, improved my aural skills, and given me more confidence.
Listen today and discover how to put this simple knowledge into practice and have lots of fun with these two chord progressions!
The funny thing is both of these chord progressions use the exact same four chords… yet when you change up the order of the chords, the whole tone of the song changes. It’s simple, but it’s powerful stuff!
You can get more tips, advice, and a powerful new free eBook on the 13 Ways to Escape the Acoustic Asylum from me, Dan Thorpe, by joining the email list here –
Like this episode? Your reviews for this podcast mean the world to me, so please let us know what you thought about the Acoustic Asylum!

Friday Apr 26, 2024

Today, I want to talk a little bit about connecting the dots in music.
One of the key things about music and being a musician is being able to know where the notes are that you hear in your head. This ability is what separates a beginner guitarist from an intermediate guitarist.
In today’s episode, I give you a little way of testing your aural skills. I play a little riff and set you the challenge of trying to work it out by ear. It’s as simple as starting out by finding the first note. I’ll also give you some advice on how to work stuff out without just randomly trying to guess the notes.
This episode will help you learn how to work stuff out by ear and improve your aural skills, which will help you enjoy your playing more!
You can get more tips, advice, and a powerful new free eBook on the 13 Ways to Escape the Acoustic Asylum from me, Dan Thorpe, by joining the email list here –
Like this episode? Your reviews for this podcast mean the world to me, so please let us know what you thought about the Acoustic Asylum!

Thursday Apr 18, 2024

Have you ever learnt something on the guitar, enjoyed it, but then later on… forgotten all about it?
…You’ve spent all that time learning it, only to not play it again, and then, of course, you have to spend time re-learning it. That’s the sort of madness that would make the malevolent Gatekeeper of the Acoustic Asylum proud.
Well, today I want to show you a simple plan to help you so you never forget to practise the things you love. As well as that, I’m sharing a story about Led Zeppelin getting lost in Iceland, why some folk should not try to be too organised, and how I started learning guitar with a dusty old book in pre-internet times (and how that was a good thing in some ways).
It’s a fun episode with my tips as well as me talking about various guitar styles such as acoustic, blues, rock, classical, Travis picking, fingerpicking, and even flamenco guitar!
You can get more tips, advice, and a powerful new free eBook on the 13 Ways to Escape the Acoustic Asylum from me, Dan Thorpe, by joining the email list here –
Like this episode? Your reviews for this podcast mean the world to me, so please let us know what you thought about the Acoustic Asylum!

Ep48 – My Guitar Hero

Monday Apr 08, 2024

Monday Apr 08, 2024

This week’s episode is all about a guitar hero of mine, Kurt Cobain, who passed away thirty years ago, on April 5th.
I have many guitar heroes, people like Jimi Hendrix, Eric Clapton, James Taylor, Chet Atkins, and so many more, but Kurt Cobain was one of my favourites. He was in the band Nirvana and he was only 27 years old when he died. In this episode, I talk about my own discovery of Nirvana and Kurt Cobain, and I also talk about the album Nevermind. Nirvana did some really cool stuff, including some amazing covers, and you could see the direction they were heading in before Kurt died.
Kurt Cobain was a really underrated guitar player. A lot of people have tried to teach or recreate his solos, but unsuccessfully. He was a student of classic music, which showed in his playing. Whether or not you’re a Nirvana fan, I think there is a lot to appreciate listening to Kurt’s music. Sometimes it’s good to look back at your early guitar heroes who made you passionate about music.
This episode is all about guitar heroes and the journey of discovering music.
You can get more tips, advice, and a powerful new free eBook on the 13 Ways to Escape the Acoustic Asylum from me, Dan Thorpe, by joining the email list here –
Like this episode? Your reviews for this podcast mean the world to me, so please let us know what you thought about the Acoustic Asylum!

Friday Mar 29, 2024

Let’s talk fingerstyle arrangements.
There’s a secret to playing fingerstyle arrangements… Especially ones that sound great, but aren’t painstaking to learn.
In this episode, I’m sharing with you these secrets all broken down into three simple steps.
You’ll discover some key advice the great guitarist, George Benson, once shared on a TV show called Guitar Star.
Plus, I talk about what you can do today to start making more progress on the guitar, why listening to very experienced guitarists may not be such a good thing…
…And you’ll get to hear my brand new and exciting Travis picking arrangement of “You’ve Got to Walk That Lonesome Valley”, which I hope will bring a smile to your face today.
This episode will help you learn how to play fingerstyle arrangements and have more fun on the guitar.
You can get more tips, advice, and a powerful free eBook called 13 Ways to Escape the Acoustic Asylum from me, Dan Thorpe, by joining the email list here –
Like this episode? Your reviews for this podcast mean the world to me, so please let us know what you thought about the Acoustic Asylum!

Ep46 – One Lick, Endless Fun!

Thursday Mar 21, 2024

Thursday Mar 21, 2024

Today, I want to talk about licks and the importance of having just ONE powerful lick in your tool belt.
So many people want to teach you dozens of licks, sometimes more... but the problem is, many licks don't work... at least not in a practical setting. That's why having one lick you can use, jam, and mould into different forms is super powerful. In this episode, I take one of my favourite simple licks and give you multiple examples of how to jam it.
Plus, I share with you a secret of why treating lead guitar like rhythm guitar is super important and some words of wisdom from the great Tommy Emmanuel… And stick around till the end where I tell you all about some tips from my brand new spiral-bound book, The Six String Lifer's Handbook.
This episode will help you learn how to have one lick you can jam with and develop.
You can get more tips, advice, and a powerful new free eBook on the 13 Ways to Escape the Acoustic Asylum from me, Dan Thorpe, by joining the email list here –
Like this episode? Your reviews for this podcast mean the world to me, so please let us know what you thought about the Acoustic Asylum!

Ep45 – A Tone Test

Thursday Mar 07, 2024

Thursday Mar 07, 2024

This week’s episode is all about a little tone test I’m doing on three different acoustic guitars.
It’s really important to find a guitar that suits you and inspires you to pick up the guitar every day. One of the best ways to choose a guitar is to try out several guitars and do a little tone test on them. In today’s episode, I’m showing you how to do this by doing a little tone test of three of my acoustic guitars so that you can hear the difference.
We look at the importance of trying out different styles of playing on the guitar to get a feel for the tone and to be able to see how it fits your style of playing and what you are looking for. I do a quick bit of strumming and play some blues on each of the guitars, which highlights the differences in tone of the three acoustic guitars. I also give some tips and advice on what type of pieces and how many to play when trying out a guitar.
This episode will help you learn how to do a tone test when trying out different guitars.
You can get more tips, advice, and a powerful new free eBook on the 13 Ways to Escape the Acoustic Asylum from me, Dan Thorpe, by joining the email list here –
Like this episode? Your reviews for this podcast mean the world to me, so please let us know what you thought about the Acoustic Asylum!

Monday Feb 26, 2024

This week’s episode is all about Rule #11 of the Asylum, which is all about the break / blast method.
When people practise, they tend to play everything too fast, causing everything to be full of buzzing notes. Today we are looking at how to avoid this when practising. Most of your practice should be slow and methodical. Practising slowly allows you to focus on all the details and consciously think about what you are doing.  
However, we also look at how in your practice routine, every now and then, you should play fast. The reason why is that it feels different. When you just practise slowly, you can get into the bad habit of letting your fingers drift slowly, and then when you go to play at regular speed, your fingers aren’t ready. Playing fast will fire your fingers up, test your muscle memory, and it’s fun.
This episode will help you to learn how to use and apply the break / blast method to your practice routine.
You can get more tips, advice, and a powerful new free eBook on the 13 Ways to Escape the Acoustic Asylum from me, Dan Thorpe, by joining the email list here –
Like this episode? Your reviews for this podcast mean the world to me, so please let us know what you thought about the Acoustic Asylum!

Thursday Feb 15, 2024

This week’s episode is all about overcoming your biggest guitar-playing hurdles.
Last week, I sent out an email asking everybody what their biggest hurdle was in guitar playing. Loads of people replied, and I decided to pick out some of those and address them in today’s podcast episode. These include questions about how you can practise guitar without your guitar on hand, when you should start introducing fingerstyle to your playing, how to practise with a metronome, and more.
In the episode, I go over the questions and give you tips and advice on how to overcome the biggest guitar struggles. I discuss some tips from Jeff Beck, advice on how to play challenging chords, how to make switching between chords easier, and much more. Give it a listen and start solving some of your guitar-playing struggles.
This episode will help you to learn how to overcome some very common guitar-playing hurdles and enjoy your playing more.   
You can get more tips, advice, and a powerful new free eBook on the 13 Ways to Escape the Acoustic Asylum from me, Dan Thorpe, by joining the email list here –
Like this episode? Your reviews for this podcast mean the world to me, so please let us know what you thought about the Acoustic Asylum!

Tuesday Feb 06, 2024

This week’s episode is all about ear training, working out songs by ear, and a fun little challenge.
Today, we are looking at the importance of ear training, and how ear training can help you work out songs by ear. Working out songs by ear (without using TAB, without using videos) is a wonderful skill that everyone should develop. Even if you’re at the beginning of your guitar journey, it’s important to start working on this skill as it will bring you many hours of joy to be able to work out songs you love by ear.
In the episode, I go over tips that will help you work out a song by ear. It’s as simple as starting by trying to work out the first note or chord. I also give you a little challenge in the episode that you can work out by ear. I tell you what string the melody is being played on, and you simply need to try to find the patterns and work it out by ear. A really useful tip is to break it up into smaller chunks.
This episode will help you to learn all about ear training and how to start working songs out by ear.  
You can get more tips, advice, and a powerful new free eBook on the 13 Ways to Escape the Acoustic Asylum from me, Dan Thorpe, by joining the email list here –
Like this episode? Your reviews for this podcast mean the world to me, so please let us know what you thought about the Acoustic Asylum!

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